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N#!R 1317
Postad: 29 jan 2024 17:09

Writing Task: Discussion Essay.

Writing Task: Discussion Essay.

To better understand the author's intentions and/or implicit meanings in a text, use the questions provided in the "Critical Literacy Guide" which you can access through this link: 
Critical Literacy Guide

For help structuring your essay correctly and effectively using the P.E.E chain, refer to  Study Guide 2.2 available at this link: 
Study Guide 2.2: Assignment 2 Genre Guide

To effectively and correctly use citations in your writing, consult the following guide accessible at this link: 
Citing and Referencing Guide

Topics and Required Reading

Choose one topic from the following options: A, B or C. 

Topic A. Views on Gender Roles

Analyze and discuss your understanding of the various perspectives on gender roles depicted in the four texts below. Explore how each story's portrayal of gender is connected to the era in which it was written.

Topic B. Views on Language and Communication

Analyze and discuss your interpretation of the different perspectives on the complexity of language and the effectiveness of communication as presented in the three texts below.

Topic C. Views on Education

Analyze and discuss your understanding of the different perspectives on education as presented in the three texts below.

Vilken tycker ni jag borde välja och hur kan jag börja med uppgiften?

N#!R 1317
Postad: 31 jan 2024 15:33

2 dagar sen jag bad om hjälp så tror inte det är fel ifall jag skriver,

Jag behöver hjälp för det har gått över 24 h. 

mothmira 2
Postad: 1 feb 2024 12:46

Vilket ämne känner du dig mest intresserad av - könsroller, språkbruk eller skola/inlärning? 

N#!R 1317
Postad: 1 feb 2024 15:48 Redigerad: 1 feb 2024 16:50

Vad tycker du själv.

Vilken av dessa tycker du jag ska välja för att det finns mycket information om det?
