5 svar
91 visningar
Tella 201
Postad: 6 nov 2022 19:01

Rätta meningen

When she was inside the house, she tried to turn on the lights but unfortunately, they didn't work, instead, she saw a candle in the living room and turned on the light. Then she went to the bedroom to sleep because she was very tired from everything that had happened. when she went to lie down on the bed she saw a girl who was dying. losing her last breath, her hand was cut and she was covered in blood. Her last word was "run or you die". When Sarah heard the woman, she ran super fast towards the door to open it and get out of the house. But the surprise was that the door was locked, so she got stuck in the house.

A1.0 57
Postad: 6 nov 2022 19:13

When she was inside the house, she tried to turn on the lights, but unfortunately, they didn't work, instead, she saw a candle in the living room and turned on the light. Then she went to the bedroom to sleep because she was very tired from everything that had happened. when she went to lie down on the bed she saw a girl who was dying. Losing her last breath, her hand was cut and she was covered in blood. Her last words were "run or you die". When Sarah heard the woman, she ran super fast towards the door to open it and get out of the house. But the surprise was that the door was locked, so she got stuck in the house.

Hej! Mycket fin text, men dem som jag har markerat har jag ändrat. 

Tella 201
Postad: 6 nov 2022 21:32

Tack så mycket men hur mycket bedömmer du den

Tella 201
Postad: 6 nov 2022 21:41

Hej kan du bedömma den jag går i engeleska 5 och vill verkligen veta vart jag ligger för att kunna förbättra mig

A1.0 57
Postad: 6 nov 2022 21:59

Jag hade nog sagt att du ligger mellan C-A, men för att det ska vara 100% att du får ett A, då är det väldigt viktigt att du varierar dina ord och skriver mycket utvecklat. Kan ge dig exempel.

Tella 201
Postad: 6 nov 2022 22:00

Ja kan du ge mig exempel från denna text hur ska jag variera den och tack så mycket
