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paruthy18 behöver inte mer hjälp
paruthy18 1446 – Avstängd
Postad: 25 apr 2018 21:19

My ambition !!

som träning inför NP skrev jag den här text som handlar om min drömyrke. eftersom jag själv hittat på rubrikern förmulerade jag uppgift så här

  • varför har valt just den där yrke
  • om man passar i yrken 
  • hur ska man nå målen 

“ A man without ambition is like a  ship that sailing without a destination”. Aim or ambition is a very important for us in our life. Different people have different ambitions in their life according to their interests.

My ambition in life is to become a well-known and successful lawyer. Why I choose to be a lawyer is due to various reasons. Very firstly, I choose to be a lawyer because I love the subject criminal law and I am pretty good for arguing and I am definitely not shy so, I think I will suit best in this career. The second reason is, I am very sad and angry about the injustice in this society. I came from a country where corruption, murder, and rape rule.I could see how innocent people suffered by these situations and I knew it's not enough to just compline those injustices but I understood that everyone can give a hand to change this system so, I have chosen to become a lawyer, then I can argue against those who are criminals and can give justice to victims.

Being a great lawyer means that there are many responsibilities to carry on. Lawyer is a complicated profession that need dedication and  has a lot of responsibilities- to find evidence, to defend a person using them, to argue someone's rights, to give advice on the right ruling of the company,Which take a great deal of timing and patience, which I am sure that I can handle.

To reach my goal, there are many educational hills I must climb. Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full-time study after high school, which is really a long time but I think, I can crush all obstacles and become a lawyer one day.

paruthy18 1446 – Avstängd
Postad: 28 apr 2018 07:47

Nån som Kan? 

andreastade 37 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 10 maj 2018 21:58

Bra text, några saker hittade jag som du skulle kunna ändra. Sorry för sent svar då nationella redan har varit, men jaja jag rättade den iallafall. Varsågod.

“ A man without ambition is like a  ship that is sailing without a destination”. Aim or ambition is a very important to us in our lives. Different people have different ambitions in their lives according to their interests.

My ambition in life is to become a well-known and successful lawyer. Why I chose to become a lawyer is due to various reasons. Very firstly, I choose to be a lawyer because I love the subject criminal law, and I am pretty good at arguing and I am definitely not shy, so, I think I will suit best in this career. The second reason is that I am very sad and angry about the injustice in this society. I come from a country where corruption, murder, and rape rule (rule what? clearify). I could see how innocent people suffered in these situations and I knew it was not enough to just compline (?) those injustices but I understood that everyone can give a hand to change this system, so, I have chosen to become a lawyer, then I can argue against those who are criminals and can give justice to victims. (very long sentence)

Being a great lawyer means that there are many responsibilities to carry on. Lawyer is a complicated profession that needs dedication and  has a lot of responsibilities - to find evidence, to defend a person using them (other choice of words maybe? sounds so harsh to say "using them"), to argue for someone's rights, to give advice on the right ruling of the company. It takes a great deal of time and patience, which I am sure that I can handle.

To reach my goal, there are many educational hills I must climb. Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full-time study after high school, which is a really long time, but I think, I can crush all obstacles and become a lawyer one day.

paruthy18 1446 – Avstängd
Postad: 10 maj 2018 22:24

Jag fattar! Tack så mycket för hjälpen....

andreastade skrev:. I come from a country where corruption, murder, and rape rule (rule what? clearify). I could see 


Jag menar: Jag kom från ett land där man händer ofta corruption, murder, and rape.( Jag menar inte Sverige utan land som jag kom från).  Så för att förklara det skrev jag så här att - Jag kom från ett land där korruption, mord och våldtäkt härskar. från)

PeterÅ 842
Postad: 12 aug 2018 17:04

Very firstly -> First of all
