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Sef alkhafaji behöver inte mer hjälp
Sef alkhafaji 43
Postad: 30 nov 2022 20:04

Min text. Har jag följt instruktionerna rätt? Har jag rätt grammatik och stavning?

Skriv om något intressant som finns i ett land där man talar engelska.


Chewing gum is banned in Singapore

There's many crazy, scary but even interesting and kinda funny facts that you most likely didn't know, and i'm here to talk about one of these facts that is located in singapore. 

Chewing gum is banned in Singapore, now you might think. Why is chewing gum illegal in a whole country and what happens if you break that law?

Some of you will think it's just a small law with only a warning by the cops. But the truth is you can get a hefty fee of 1000 Usd dollars and if we change it to our currency then that's approximately 10000 Swedish kronor only for chewing gum and in the worst case if you get caught selling or importing gum you can end up in a jail cell.

How crazy is that? Now you will maybe think when and why there is a law that forbids everyone from chewing gum. 

It was the 3th January 1992 when Goh Chok Tong, Singapore's ex-prime minister, decided to ban chewing gum because of misbehavior. People all over Singapore were spitting their gum all over the place like on the ground, public benches and even on metro train doors which led to the doors not working properly. 

When the ex prime minister of Singapore realized this was getting out of control, he decided to take action. The country needs to be clean and he will do whatever it takes, even if he needs to make a law about chewing gum he will do it. And he did. 

The craziest part of this fact is this rule has been out for 30 years and you didn't know about it.

Having this knowledge will make you be aware from the consequences of chewing gum in Singapore, preventing the risk of getting a heavy fine, wearing a green suit while cleaning the roads or if you are unlucky enough you can be arrested and sent to prison with a 2 years punishment, you do not want that do you.

One of Goh chok tong's main ambitions was to make the country as clean as possible. 

Due to the fact that he has banned a lot of norms, I classed this as a norm because according to the U.S research the majority of the people chew gum. Back to what I was saying Due to the fact that he has banned a lot of norms including chewing gum. This was actually a useful solution for the people of singapore, the misbehaving decreased and it turned out like he was expecting. 

But there is still a bubble gum black market, where people import and sell bubble gum beyond the government. It has come to a point that buying bubble gum is almost as illegal as buying drugs. I hope this was useful and Thank you for your time and I hope this fact will be useful in the future. Goodbye

Agnes L 7
Postad: 5 dec 2022 16:10
  • There's - du har skrivit there is, men du syftar på facts (flera fakta) så då måste det bli plural, dvs "There are"
  • Du radar upp att olika exempel på fakta "crazy, scary but even interesting and kinda funny facts"- försök och ta bort mellanorden för bättre flyt, te.x. There are many crazy, scary, intersting and funny facts that you most likely didn't know!
  • Sätt en punkt efter så det inte blir så lång mening; I'm here to....
  • "Kinda" är vad man kallar för talspråk, dvs man kan uttrycka sig så när man pratar med någon men man använder det inte i skrift.
  • these facts that is located in singapore - fakta kan inte vara lokaliserade någonstans. Skriv att de hör till Singapore eller något liknande (belong to)
  • Titta över hur du sätter punkt; försök att inte ha så långa meningar  (But the truth is you can get a hefty fee of 1000 Usd dollars and if we change it to our currency then that's approximately 10000 Swedish kronor only for chewing gum and in the worst case if you get caught selling or importing gum you can end up in a jail cell), men att inte sätta punkt på fel stället (now you might think. Why is chewing gum illegal in a whole country and what happens if you break that law?)
  • 1000 Usd - d står för dollar så det räcker med Usd eller USD som är den vanliga betäckningen
  • Det här stycket måste du se över då du har kopierat in fel. Tänk på att "Due to the fact that" blir lite dubbelt upp, skriv "Because" eller "as a result of" Due to the fact that he has banned a lot of norms, I classed this as a norm because according to the U.S research the majority of the people chew gum. Back to what I was saying Due to the fact that he has banned a lot of norms including chewing gum. This was actually a useful solution for the people of singapore, the misbehaving decreased and it turned out like he was expecting. 

Lycka till!

Larizza121 14
Postad: 13 dec 2022 18:19

- "There are" istället för "There's". 

- Kommatecken mellan "scary" och "but" 

- Skriv "kind of" istället för kinda

- Singapore ska skrivas med ett stort bokstav i början eftersom det är ett land

- Kommatecken mellan "country" och "and"

- Kommatecken att ha skrivit "But the truth is"

- Skriv bara USD, inte "usd dollars" USD står för USA-dollar

- Skulle låta jättebra om du la in ordet "scenario" efter att du hade skrivit "in the worst case"

- Istället för att skriva "Now you will maybe think when and why there is a law that forbids everyone from chewing gum." så kan du skriva "You're probably wondering when and why there's a law prohibiting everyone from chewing gum." , det låter bättre och är mer grammatiskt rätt. 

- Det ska stå 3rd of, inte 3th 

- Sätt till ordet "on" för "public benches"

- Man skriver "former" inte "ex" för någon som har varit en premiärminister. 

- Istället för att skriva "The craziest part of this fact is this rule has been out for 30 years and you didn't know about it" så kan du skriva: "The most bizarre aspect of this fact is that this rule has been in effect for 30 years and you were unaware of it."

- Ta bort "be" från "will make you be aware" 

- Skriv det här istället: "Having this knowledge will make you aware of the consequences of chewing gum in Singapore, preventing the risk of getting a heavy fine, wearing a green suit while cleaning the roads, or, if you are unlucky enough, being arrested and sent to prison with a 2-year punishment. You do not want that, do you?" 

- Skriv "Returning to what I was saying"  istället för "Back to what I was saying", det låter mer flytande på det sättet. 

- Skriv det här istället: "Due to the fact that he has banned a lot of norms, I classed this as a norm because, according to U.S. research, the majority of people chew gum. Returning to what I was saying, due to the fact that he has banned a lot of norms, including chewing gum. This was actually a useful solution for the people of Singapore; the misbehavior decreased, and it turned out like he had expected." 

- Skriv också din sista mening på det här sättet: "But there is still a bubble gum black market, where people import and sell bubble gum beyond the reach of the government. It has come to the point where buying bubble gum is almost as illegal as buying drugs. I hope this was useful and thank you for your time. I also hope this fact will be useful in the future. Goodbye!". 


Annars så tycker jag att texten var väldigt bra, det som du bör tänka på är att inte ha för långa meningar, men också använda dig av ett mer formellt språk när du skriver (alltså inte talspråk) samt använda dig av kommatecken. Bra jobbat och jag önskar dig lycka med uppgiften!
