Consider a transmembrane protein that forms a hydrophilic
pore across the plasma membrane of a eukaryotic cell,
allowing Na+ to enter the cell when it is activated upon
binding a specific ligand on its extracellular side. It is made
of five similar transmembrane subunits, each containing a
membrane-spanning α helix with hydrophilic amino acid
side chains on one surface of the helix and hydrophobic
amino acid side chains on the opposite surface. Considering
the function of the protein as a channel for Na+ ions to
enter the cell, propose a possible arrangement of the five
membrane-spanning α helices in the membrane.
Jag har svårt att förstå någonting av den här uppgiften. Vet ju att transmembran protein till exempel transporterar näringsämnen och joner. Men har svårt hur jag ska ha nytta av det jag vet här.
Skulle vara tacksam för hjälp!
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