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flowerpower03 behöver inte mer hjälp
flowerpower03 58
Postad: 24 sep 2017 17:39 Redigerad: 24 sep 2017 18:00

Hjälp att rätta min text om Media

Media influences us in many ways today. A big part of life is about social media and news. I think the media is good because you can learn a lot of it, chat with your friends and inform
many people very easy. Though I think the media have created many conflicts and bad things in the world. There are also very unnecessary things that we read about daily.
If you think about the difference between young and old, it is probably very different media used. I think older people use the internet to look up things, read the magazine to watch news and watch TV as entertainment.
While younger people more use social media to chat with our friends, share what they do and use it as entertainment.
I think most young people today depend on the Internet and the media. We would not manage without the media for a long time because we grew up with it.
All young and old people are affected by advertising wherever they go. On the internet, at the bus stop, in the train, on the street and on tv. You can not keep away from advertising and I think
Advertising affects us much more than we think.

HT-Borås 1287
Postad: 25 sep 2017 11:40 Redigerad: 25 sep 2017 11:40

Generellt är det bra om du visar belägg för och i några fall problematiserar påståenden. Språkligt är det ganska bra. Du får bestämma om media ska vara singularis eller pluralis - båda går, men helst plural (dvs media influence us, på samma sätt som media have created. Inform...very easily måste det heta. ...it is probably different media... ser inte bra ut, prova med probably very different media are used. Sista meningen ska hänga ihop.

Lantacamilla 68 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 3 okt 2017 23:05

Jag tycker att texten är jättebra!

Men du hade kunnat skriva lite att det påverkas lite negativt också för att det finns hat OSV. och att den som skriver hat är då skyddad bakom sin skärm. Annars var texten superbra och utan stavfel <3

// Olivia
