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Santa 278
Postad: 9 maj 2021 13:16

Feedback till min presentation

Hej alla 

Skulle verkligen vara så tacksam om någon kunde läsa min presentation och ger mig tips och feedback om hur jag skulle kunna förbättra den. Vad skulle jag kunna lägga till. Det är som följande : 

William Shakespeare 

Hi, today I will present about William Shakspeare. William Shakspeare was an English playwright, poet and actor. He was born in 1564 on April 23 and was baptized on April 26 in Stratford-upon-avon and died in 1616 on April 23. He was only 54 years old! Many regard him not only as England's national poet but also as the foremost playwright of world literature of all time. Mother Mary Arden was a local landowner and father John Shakspeare was a merchant and property owner. William Shakespeare was their first son after two miscarriages. He later had three brothers and two sisters. There are almost no facts about his upbringing until he got married. William Shakespeare married in 1582 November 28 to the eight-year-old Anne Hathaway. They had their first daughter Susanne in May 1583. It turns out that she was already pregnant before they married. Two years later, the twins Hamnet and Judith are born, who are named after his friends Hamnet and Judith Sander. The harbor died on August 11, 1596 at the age of 11, possibly from the plague, something that left William completely devastated. There is no information about what happened in Shakespeare's life from 1585 until 1592 when he had come to London and had time to become a writer. His first work he published was two long poems. In 1594 he joined a new group of actors under the direction of Richard Burbage. He remained there for almost twenty years, both as an actor and a writer. From the 1590s he was recognized as the country's great playwright, and soon became a wealthy man. They often played for Queen Elisabeth I, and when she died in 1603, the company received royal protection from James I and began to be called "the king's men". Shakespeare became increasingly wealthy thanks to his share of The Globe, and in 1597 he bought one of the largest houses in Stratford, New Place. His father, who had become mayor and was given a letter of indebtedness, died in 1601. William Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous works, and the theater company often performed

pieces for the court. In 1609, the company was proud to have access to both the indoor theater the Blackfriars and the Globe, the theater most associated with William Shakespeare. William returned to Stratford in 1611, spending less and less time in London. He died in 1616 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford.

On his tombstone it says:

"Good friend, for Jesus '' '' sake forbear

To dig the dust enclosed here

Blessed be the man that spares these stones

And cursed be he that moves my bones. "

It is said that it is impossible for William Shakespeare to have the knowledge and experience required to describe the diverse environments, often of a royal and foreign policy nature, found in his plays. Therefore, both Anthony Bacon and Edward de Vere have been identified as possible ghostwriters. But at present this theory cannot be proved. His collected plays were published posthumously in 1623, seven years after his death, by some friends from the theater. This collection is called "First Folio". William Shakespeare's most famous works are "Hamlet" and "Romeo and Juliet", but also Macbeth and Othello.

Santa 278
Postad: 14 maj 2021 21:43

Skulle gärna vara tacksam om någon orkade och läste min presentation

Elinea 4 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 15 maj 2021 16:28

Hej Santa!

Du har bra språk tycker jag men det är mer anpassat till en skriven text än en talad. Det gör att du riskerar att läsa eller låta helt inövad. Hade jag varit du hade jag tagit bort en del av orden du i vanliga fall inte skulle använt. Behåll de du är någorlunda bekväm med så blir talet ändå avancerat nog. 

sen hade jag försökt engagera publiken. Kanske någon fråga om vilken av Shakespeares verk de känner till. Eller egna tankar om varför historierna fortfarande ”håller”. Hellre lite sådant än så mycket fakta tycker jag (som varit lärare i engelska länge...). 

lycka till!
