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Postad: 27 jan 2024 21:02 Redigerad: 27 jan 2024 21:40

Engelska text delprov C


Jag ska skriva en text enligt följande instruktioner och skulle uppskatta feedback som stavfel, ordval, grammatik etc. Om ni kan ge mig ett generellt betyg på texten skulle jag också uppskatta.

We‛re working on a European project and we‛ve discovered that we don‛t know very much about your country and the way you live. Please write back and tell us. And of course we are curious about YOU—who are you and where are you from? Our high school has about 1,000 students and we have a great football team, a big band and lots of after-school activities. What about your school? And what about the Swedish school system? Tell us what it‛s like! Some more questions that we have are: What is it like to live in your country? What are young people interested in? What do people talk about and what do they think is important? We think that a lot of people get the wrong impression of our country through TV and other media. So we wonder what you know about life in the US. Finally, what are your plans for the future? Hope to hear from you soon! Debbie, Carlos, Said and Tom


Dear ….

I’m very glad to have the opportunity to share my life in Sweden with you, presented to me. I have the perfect time to do so as well. The thing is that no one has ever asked me to do something like this. I hope this letter will be of great use for your project. My name is X and I’m living in a town called Y which acts like a place isolated from the main city Stockholm, but when you see all the buildings arising to the sky you don’t feel your miles away from the city. 

     I have my views on what’s wrong and right and mostly keep them to myself. A  majority of people where I live are christian believers and are actively practicing their religion by going to the church every Sunday. Sometimes, my pals and neighbors ask me if I belive in Jesus. My answer to that is I respect all religions and not sticked to a special belief, although I have my views of what constitutes good and bad principles. But I don’t feel in the mood of arguing about beliefs. Discussing what religion you have is a piece of cake compered to problems countries around the world face. Even though my family and grandma and grandpa on mother and fathers side are christians, I follow my own sense of seeing because it makes me more of a true and complete version of myself. Religions has good outcomes, but I don’t feel a must to belong to any religion at all. That’s just me. 

   I’m at the moment studying my last year at 9th grade at Z school which is the highest grade in secondary school. After spending three years in the lowest classes and highest classes you feel reveled to spend your last year at ground school and soon start building and creating your own future outside of school. 

     When you complete your 9 th degree you don’t have to go to school, but to get a job you’re ought to proceed for at least three years in the gymnasium. Afterwards, you can attend a university and a college if you wish. Most Swedish schools don’t offer activities for their students after school hours. But Since the Swedish government together with organizations offer activities for Swedish teenagers to get immersed in, for instance playing hockey, playing the guitar and swimming and also at a low cost, the majority of all Swedish teenagers do such things on their spare time. My school have about 900 students and some of them have special courses in dancing.

   Sweden is a member of the three scandinavia countries which makes the weather cold, but thanks to the Gulf Stream not too cold. Or else we wouldn't be able to establish and thrive here. During the winter it snows heavily, but it also depends on the year. In Year 2024 didn’t snow as much as in year 2022 and there are many theories behind it. The climate and habitat here makes it hard to cultivate fruits and vegetables, but it doesn’t bother me since we cultivate vegetables acting like a symbol for Sweden and being rare in other countries. 

  The younger generations are immersed in their own interests like hanging out with their pals at a nearby café or at a restaurant to socially connect themselves. Hanging out and chatting with their friends is an activity that is eclipsing studying or spending time at home. If your not one of the sporty or nerdy types who has an easy time getting immersed in different activities, it’s easy to be tempted in criminal gangs and activities, but I highly recommend you to stay away from them. 

    The impressions society and countries have got of Sweden is wrong. We shouldn’t draw everyone over the same line because no one gains anything from it, but we just make tensions between groups. Having it said, we need to stop trusting the medias because they don’t seldom carry out misleading assumptions far from reality.  

     To illustrate most americans think that Swedish teenagers hate USA because of your politics and Geroge W Bush and the war in Israel, but it’s just a small fraction of the population who have developed that sense of seeing. For me, USA is seen as a country shrouded in diversity. Diversity acts like is a cultural base for development and every country need a diverse environment to grow. Today Sweden is not far behind on the list among worlds top five different countries eclipsing muslims, christians and the small fraction of jewish believers.

     My plans for the future is to complete my last year at secondary school, then attend “Naturvetenskapsprogrammet” at T School for three years, study at university as a staging post for more advanced studies which is required to become a fully mastered doctor. The world in general is in lack of educated doctors. In our country there are gaps in health care and medicine education. Because I’m among the younger generation I feel it’s my responsibility to do something about it since we’re the measure of our worlds' future builders and this makes us to formers of the world. 

     What I love with the US is the “doing- the 50s thing” because it played a central role in forming the american identity and we can learn a couple of things. The peck of that time was the american dream, Martin Luther Kings influence to establish an era were your skin color shouldn't decide your future, but also the depression causing a severe damage to american economy and life. 

     Elvis Presly was a american celebrity because of his fantastic voice who had his golden years in America where he did tourings which included performing infront of a huge audience in difrent states of the US. His favorite songs are still played today and I wouldn’t miss a upportunity to listen to one. You can find me in a closet with my headphones on, listening to “Blue Sued Shoes”. Mark that it’s one of his best sold songs and has played over 1 million times on Spotify.

.SAM 2
Postad: 21 feb 2024 11:03

Hej där!
Väldigt bra text! Skulle lätt sätta ett C om inte B+, några enstaka stavfel men det är inte hela världen. 
 "u opportunity"

"Most Swedish schools don’t offer activities for their students after school hours. But Since  (alt.) Instead the Swedish government together with organizations offer (alt.) supports the activities financially for Swedish teenagers (alt.) the students to get immersed in, for instance playing hockey, playing the guitar and swimming and also at a low cost, the majority of all Swedish teenagers do such things on their spare time."

Undvik repetitiva fraser/ord. Det finns alltid ord du kan byta ut mot.
"Even though my family and grandma and grandpa on mother and fathers side are", mycket and här, 
parents grandparents .

An och a förklarar rätt bra.
