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hellokitty behöver inte mer hjälp
hellokitty 8
Postad: 10 apr 2023 13:06

Engelska bokanalys - thesis statement (tes)


Jag behöver hjälp med engelskan, vi ska skriva en bokanalys och behöver inkludera en tes (thesis statement) men jag har lite svårt med det. 

Här är vad jag har skrivit i min introduktion, är jag på rätt spår?

”Odette Brown rose with the sun, as she did each morning.” (Birch, pp 5 E-book, 2019). Revealed the main character Odette Brown in the historical fiction ”The White Girl”. The book is a beautiful story between Odette Brown and her granddaughter Sissy. The strong woman’s only desire is protecting her granddaughter and make her life a better place. The White girl”, Tony Birch uses his short story to express the nature of injustice of the lost generation of the aboriginals in the late 1960’s with an easy-to-read storyline. Odette Brown in the novel wants to prove for everyone around her that she can change her life for a better place eve if it takes her ages, because her only desire is protecting her granddaughter Sissy and the next aboriginal generation.  

MrPotatohead 6520 – Moderator
Postad: 10 apr 2023 21:43
hellokitty skrev:


Jag behöver hjälp med engelskan, vi ska skriva en bokanalys och behöver inkludera en tes (thesis statement) men jag har lite svårt med det. 

Här är vad jag har skrivit i min introduktion, är jag på rätt spår?

”Odette Brown rose with the sun, as she did each morning.” (Birch, pp 5 E-book, 2019). Revealed the main character Odette Brown in the historical fiction ”The White Girl”. The book is a beautiful story between Odette Brown and her granddaughter

Din personliga åsikt här är inte relevant. 

Sissy. The strong woman’s only desire is protecting her granddaughter and make her life a better place. The White girl”, Tony Birch uses his short story to express the nature of injustice of the lost generation of the aboriginals in the late 1960’s with an easy-to-read storyline. Odette Brown in the novel wants to prove for everyone around her that she can change her life for a better place eve if it takes her ages, because her only desire is protecting her granddaughter Sissy and the next aboriginal generation.  

Ja du är på rätt spår om det är detta som analysen ska utforska dvs visa och motivera. En tes är ju något du påstår och sedan använder du texten för att argumentera/motivera/bevisa till varför ditt påstående stämmer. 

Ofta avslutar man inledningen med någonting likt "This essay will show how the author illustrates this in the novel... bla bla bla"

Andra korta saker jag kan säga om din text (om jag får hehe) är:

  • Den första källhänvisningen ska alltid vara fullständig. Extra viktigt i en inledning! 
  • Förklara gärna vad aborginer är
  • "change her life for the better" är den korrekta formuleringen 
  • Skippa att skriv detta: "The strong woman’s only desire is protecting her granddaughter and make her life a better place." i din recap av romanen när detta ska vara din tes. Vill hellre höra väldigt kortfattat en beskrivning av handlingen. 
hellokitty 8
Postad: 11 apr 2023 12:29


jag har fixat det lite i inledningen nu hur ser det ut?


”Odette Brown rose with the sun, as she did each morning.” (Tony Birch, The White Girl, pp 5 E-book, 2019). Revealed the main character Odette Brown in the historical fiction ”The White Girl”. The book is a historical story about the indigenous of Australia, between Odette Brown and her granddaughter Sissy. Tony Birch uses his short story to express the nature of injustice of the lost generation of the aboriginals in the late 1960’s with an easy-to-read storyline. Odette Brown in the novel wants to prove for everyone around her that she can change her life for the better even if it takes her ages, because her only desire is protecting her granddaughter Sissy and the next aboriginal generation. This essay will show how the author illustrates the Australians racist government of separating aboriginal children from their families, that is known for the Stolen Generation today.

MrPotatohead 6520 – Moderator
Postad: 11 apr 2023 20:00
hellokitty skrev:


jag har fixat det lite i inledningen nu hur ser det ut?


”Odette Brown rose with the sun, as she did each morning.” (Tony Birch, The White Girl, pp 5 E-book, 2019). Revealed the main character Odette Brown in the historical fiction ”The White Girl”. The book is a historical story about the indigenous of Australia, between Odette Brown and her granddaughter Sissy. Tony Birch uses his short story to express the nature of injustice of the lost generation of the aboriginals in the late 1960’s with an easy-to-read storyline. Odette Brown in the novel wants to prove for everyone around her that she can change her life for the better even if it takes her ages, because her only desire is protecting her granddaughter Sissy and the next aboriginal generation. This essay will show how the author illustrates the Australians racist government of separating aboriginal children from their families, that is known for the Stolen Generation today.


Skriv i sista meningen istället: ...illustrates the Australien government committing racist actions by separating aboriginal children...
