big bang
Hej! när universum skapades i Big bang och universum började expandera så fylldes rymden med mycket energirik, högfrekvent strålning, en strålning som idag finns kvar som mikrovågor. hur skapades den här strålningen av att universum började expandera?
På engelska. Hoppas det hjälper:
"In the Big Bang cosmological models, during the earliest periods the universe was filled with an opaque fog of dense, hot plasma of sub-atomic particles. As the universe expanded, this plasma cooled to the point where protons and electrons combined to form neutral atoms of mostly hydrogen. Unlike the plasma, these atoms could not scatter thermal radiation by Thomson scattering, and so the universe became transparent. Known as the recombination epoch, this decoupling event released photons to travel freely through space – sometimes referred to as relic radiation"
källa: Cosmic_microwave_background
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