4 svar
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THEMAINMAN 82 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 30 jan 2020 15:45 Redigerad: 30 jan 2020 16:00

Hur skulle den här texten bedömas i Eng 5

Vilken nivå ligger texten på i ENG 5 nivå.

Before i answer that particular question we need to define the meaning of credibility. What is real? is it the things that are interpreted in our brains like what we see and hear or does the question have a more complex answer. Giving a straight forward aswer to that question is really hard and it would be required experts to give the optimal definition. As an adolescent with livelong experiences both dismal and happy i can without any hesitation assert that everything around us is rather unexpected than schedueled.

So it is pretty complicated to give a straight forward answer. Everything can change in a matter of seconds. As you are reading taught this content the earth can get demolished by an astriod that makes its species instinct. I may not get home healthy today or I may even not wake up a live tommorow. This just proves that for example that a major warfare can breakout any given day.

However many would agua that an event like the one portrayed in the movie is not possible in countries that are both industrialized and innocent like Sweden or Australia. They would bust out in laugh and lable the one mentioning that possibility because they think that warfares only take place in distabalized nations that do not have any clue in how to govern themselves. A person with that mindset would also include that their nation is probably too innocent to be a part of such a thing.

To show that a bloodshed is possible anywhere we can go back some seven decades in time and land in Africa. At that time the continent was inhabited by a brief amount of people and as the most reaserchers confirm the majority of the population lived in peace and prosperity. Most of them did not have nations so their wasn`t a thing that could cause war. Out of the blue Carriers sorrounded the continent and jets were seen flying over the land. The continent was stolen.

The story above is a proof to the fact that everything is highly possible and so is the possibility of a warfare and loss of loved ones. However i do not appriciate the fact that we anticipate such an event. At the end of the day what ever we believe in, in my case god has a plan for us all. So we should indeed not worry.

Smaragdalena 80504 – Avstängd
Postad: 30 jan 2020 15:49

THEMAINMAN, det står i Pluggakutens regler att dina rubriker skall vara olika varandra. Nu har du två trådar med samma rubrik, "Bedöm min text". De båda trådarna ligger visserligen i olika forum, men det är ändå förvirrande för den som svarar. Du kan ändra dina rubriker genom att redigera dina förstainlägg. /moderator

Laguna Online 30711
Postad: 30 jan 2020 20:14

Ganska många rödmarkeringar för stavfel.

"Brief amount of people" låter rätt udda. 

Sandis 117
Postad: 19 feb 2020 14:44

Ett tips om du vill se det generella kraven på språkkunnighet inom eng5 och vad som krävs för betygen, kolla på nafs.gu och exempel texter på eng5 np. 



Sandis 117
Postad: 19 feb 2020 14:46
Sandis skrev:

Ett tips om du vill se det generella kraven på språkkunnighet inom eng5 och vad som krävs för betygen, kolla på nafs.gu och exempel texter på eng5 np. 



Det behöver inte alltid vara hundra procentigt korrekt med den mest avancerade grammatiken, men du måste fortfarande ha en förståelse för stor del av språkriktigheten vilket du ser i texterna. 
