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reri8983 15
Postad: 3 mar 2021 01:03

a discussion essay

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uppgiftens instruktioner:

2. Sixpence (click to get to the text in the digital book) 

Discuss ”The Difference Between Childrearing Now Versus 100 years Ago”, and compare it with personal knowledge or experiences. Use references from the text to support your arguments.


skrivna text:

Childrearing  is the process to raise up a child from birth through adulthood, the parents should dedicating a quilted time to make them independent persons. The childrearing´s requirement in general  is the love, care and interest.

But in Sixpence story that describing for us how the parents behaved their children before 100 years ago. How the difficulties and  the manner of raising  up a child can affect us as a parent and a child. It´s event telling us about the whipping to be  them more fast and doing according to what parents command. Whipping is when a child suffering of a punishment from someone . Is that a good method to raise up children comparing the modern child raising? is it helpful to employ this manner or helpless?. The child rearing has changed over the years until our present time. I will discuss the difference between childrearing now versus 100 years ago, there are advantages and disadvantages with those aspects.


The modern child  rearing has several advantages than in the past, is more affective and encouraging to get the best outcomes in children. In the current time the most of  parents follows this kind of raising witch is the understanding and care, because when parents building a good relationship with trust and love, children will fells respected and protective of their parents. These kind of parents called authoritative parents the opposite of authoritarian parents, the instance that resenting in Sixpence story .

 There author says that “children are unaccountable little creatures” , in Katherine Mansfield´s text speaks about a boy who is called “Dicky”. Dicky has cold hearted and authoritarian parents, he has suffered always of corporal punishment like whipping, beating  and aggression to raise him. When Dicky did some mistake like that he broke a great big plate, his mother Mrs Bendall heard what he did , and she said “very well Dicky” I shall have to think of some way of punishing you”. Dicky´s mother have not thought of a gentle manner to discipline him. Dicky has not cried or shouted, why?  I think he had assorted of feelings that like frightened and surrendered. Because the corporal punishment is not good way of childrearing, that way is possible to detriment the child outcomes through negative emotions and cognition. They should living  and growing up in a safety environment as possible and to have an enough freedom to understand, and live as happy creatures.

The second advantage with the modern child rearing  is the whipping and beating are not allowed else in the parenting thoughts. They believe and helping their children to believe in themselves as well. When children being stumbled from the most important persons who is the parents, they should obviously achieve their goals with high self- awareness.  With parents understanding and protecting, there is opportunity to make children an obedient creatures and in contrast they showing respect and trusting for their parents.

There are still many people  in society who do not agree and interacting with the modern raising aspect, because they think this way can damaging theirs morals through the unlimited freedom. That’s opinion can be considered for some cases , no respect and no real relationships between parents and children because there are no strong family bonding. This itself can contributing also to failure in parenting progress.  For instance, I have spend a good upbringing  in a healthy family environment , my Mother and father took care of us physically and mentally even when we, I and my brother made us dirty while we playing outside in nature, they have not got any aggression reaction and I think this way of raising has develop our personality skills, that’s way we have full respect and understanding in difficult situations. It happens that we do not agree with them  always but we can to  overcome that through taking a discussion with them.


In summary, modern child rearing has clear advantages, empowering the child personality and the belief as parents on their child ability. In addition to the drawback, the unlimited freedom can  leads occasionally  to a cold, fainty and boundless relationship between the parents and children.

nancyna 11
Postad: 3 mar 2021 11:33

"the parents should dedicating", det ska vara the parents should dedicate :)

"But in Sixpence story that describing",  But in Sixpence story, it described for us.. (jag tycker att detta låter bättre)

 " about the whipping to be  them more  fast" make (tycker jag)

" doing according to what parents command" det finns något fel med doing, jag förstår inte riktigt vad du menar där. 

"Whipping is when a child sufferingSuffers. 

"comparing the modern child " Comparing to the modern... 

"is more affective and encouraging.."  it is more effective and encourages

"In the current time the most of  parents follow (eftersom parents är fler då behöver man inte s:et.)

"when parents building a good..." Build

"children will fells respected" jag tror du menar feel (känner

"These kind of parents are called " 

"of the authoritarian parents" 

"There author says that" The 

" in Katherine Mansfield´s text speaks about a boy" it talks 

" When Dicky did some mistakemistakes

"like that he broke a great big plate" like when he broke..

 "Dicky´s mother have not thought " has

"Dicky has not cried or shouteddid not cry or shout. 

"I think he had assorted of feelings that like frightened and surrendered" 

"They should living and growing " be living and growing /live and grow. 

"to have an enough freedom"

 "is the whipping and beating are not allowed else in the parentings thoughts." that 

"helping their children to believe in"

"When children are being stumbled" 

 "most important persons who is the parents" which are 

"they should obviously achieve their goals with high self-awareness." would 

"With parents"

"there is opportunity to make children an obedient creatures" an opportunity. 

" in contrast, they showing respect and trusting for their parents."  show respect and trust for their parents.

"many people  in society" in the society  / our society 

"interacting with the modern" interact. 

"think this way can damaging theirs morals" that this way can damage their 

"That’s opinion" That

"there are no strong" is

"can contributingcontribute 

" to failure in"  fail 

"we playing outside" we play

"made us dirty" alt. came back home with dirty clothes. 

" has develop" developed. 

"that’s way we have" in that way, we have../ that's WHY.. 

" can to  overcome" 

" through taking a discussion "

"the child personality" child's 

"child ability." child's 

" can  leads occasionally" lead

Din text är bra, du har bra åsikter och du tar upp viktiga grejer när det gäller ämnet. En tips är att du lär dig när man använder ING-form t.ex playing. 

Jag är ingen lärare, jag går på gymnasiet andra år (natur), men jag rättade det som lät fel när jag läste den. Det finns fler fel i din text men jag kan inte riktigt sätta fingret på det så det blir bra om du läser den högt för dig själv, för att då kommer du veta vad som låter fel. Och det är också lite svårt att förstå vad du menar i vissa meningar och det är pga att meningen är fel strukturerat och kolla gärna om du sätter in punkt och komma på rätt ställe. 

Anticap 113
Postad: 3 mar 2021 11:47

Tänker att jag skriver dubbla citeringar, en där jag visar vad jag redigerar och en där jag ger förslag på ändring. Vissa delar kommer jag uppmana att du själv kommer på lämplig rättning men skriver detta isåfall!

Childrearing  is the process to raise up a child from birth through adulthood, the parents should dedicating a quilted time to make them independent persons. The childrearing´s requirement in general  is the love, care and interest.

Childrearing  is the process of raising a child from birth to young adulthood, the parents should dedicate a _____ time to make them independent persons. The childrearing´s requirements in general  is to provide love, care and interest.

Bra introduktion så läsaren vet vad du menar med childrearing. Vet inte vad du menar med "quilted" då detta betyder typ "ihopsydd/ihoplappad" så tror du valt fel ord.

But in Sixpence story that describing for us how the parents behaved their children before 100 years ago. How the difficulties and  the manner of raising  up a child can affect us as a parent and a child. It´s event telling us about the whipping to be  them more fast and doing according to what parents command. Whipping is when a child suffering of a punishment from someone . Is that a good method to raise up children comparing the modern child raising? is it helpful to employ this manner or helpless?. The child rearing has changed over the years until our present time. I will discuss the difference between childrearing now versus 100 years ago, there are advantages and disadvantages with those aspects.

But in Sixpence's story that describes how the parents raised their children a 100 years ago. It explains the difficulties with raising, and the manner of raising, up a child which can affect us as a parent and as a child. It even tells us about the whipping of children to make them hurry and follow their parents' command. Whipping is __________. Is that a good method to raise children compared to the modern method of child raising? Is it helpful to employ this manner or is it harmful?. The child rearing has changed over the years leading up to our present time. I will discuss the difference between childrearing now versus 100 years ago, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods.

Bra stycke med intressant inledning till din diskussion som lägger bra grund för essän. En del grammatiska fel som jag rättat till men annars är det bara meningen "Whipping is when a child suffering of a punishment from someone" som jag tycker är lite för bred då "suffering of a punishment from someone" täcker mer än bara "whipping". Det blir då oklart om du menar att barnet piskas, får en rejäl avhyvling eller blir utskälld; vilket alla kan  beskrivas med "whipping" beroende på sammanhang. Skriv en ny beskrivning som är lite mer utförlig så blir det bra!

The modern child  rearing has several advantages than in the past, is more affective and encouraging to get the best outcomes in children. In the current time the most of  parents follows this kind of raising witch is the understanding and care, because when parents building a good relationship with trust and love, children will fells respected and protective of their parents. These kind of parents called authoritative parents the opposite of authoritarian parents, the instance that resenting in Sixpence story .

The modern child  rearing has several advantages over the old method. It is more effective and encouraging in getting the best outcomes for children. In the current time most parents follow this method which focuses on understanding and caring, because when parents build a good relationship with trust and love, children feel respected and protected by their parents. These kinds of parents are called authoritative parents, the opposite of authoritarian parents, the instance that resenting in Sixpence story .

Fint formulerat stycke! Jag förstår inte vad du menar precis i slutet (fetmarkerat i första citeringen) och föreslår att du tar bort det eller formulerar om det!

There author says that “children are unaccountable little creatures” , in Katherine Mansfield´s text speaks about a boy who is called “Dicky”. Dicky has cold hearted and authoritarian parents, he has suffered always of corporal punishment like whipping, beating  and aggression to raise him. When Dicky did some mistake like that he broke a great big plate, his mother Mrs Bendall heard what he did , and she said “very well Dicky” I shall have to think of some way of punishing you”. Dicky´s mother have not thought of a gentle manner to discipline him. Dicky has not cried or shouted, why?  I think he had assorted of feelings that like frightened and surrendered. Because the corporal punishment is not good way of childrearing, that way is possible to detriment the child outcomes through negative emotions and _____ cognition. They should living  and growing up in a safety environment as possible and to have an enough freedom to understand, and live as happy creatures.

Katherine Mansfield says that “children are unaccountable little creatures”  in her text where speaks about a boy who is called “Dicky”. Dicky has cold-hearted and authoritarian parents. He has suffered corporal punishment like whipping, beating  and aggression as tools to raise him. When Dicky did some mistake, like when he broke a big plate and his mother Mrs Bendall heard what he did , she said “very well Dicky. I shall have to think of some way of punishing you”. Dicky´s mother was not thinking of a gentle manner to discipline him. Dicky did not cry or shout; why?  I think he had a mix of feelings, like fright and the feeling that he should surrender. Corporal punishment is not good way of childrearing, that way is detrimental to the child's outcomes through negative emotions and ______ cognition. They should be living  and growing up in a as safe environment as possible and should have enough freedom to live as happy ____.

Bra stycke! Behövde inte rätts speciellt mycket och du har fint ordval som gör din text beskrivande! Två små saker du får göra själv. 1. "...through negative emotions and cognition" låter lite konstigt då negativ kognition är rätt luddigt begrepp. Skulle föreslå "hämmad kognition" eller något annat beskrivande adjektiv framför "cognition" så läsaren förstår vad du menar att sådan bestraffning har för konsekvenser på barnets kognition! 2. "...happy creatures" låter lite som att du avhumaniserar barnen då "creature" översätts till "varelse"; kan tolkas något underligt. "Beings" eller "individuals" är mer passande i sammanhanget.

The second advantage with the modern child rearing  is the whipping and beating are not allowed else in the parenting thoughts. They believe and helping their children to believe in themselves as well. When children being stumbled from the most important persons who is the parents, they should obviously achieve their goals with high self- awareness.  With parents understanding and protecting, there is opportunity to make children an obedient creatures and in contrast they showing respect and trusting for their parents.

The second advantage with the modern childrearing is that the whipping and beating is eliminated from the parents' thoughts. They instead believe in helping their children to believe in themselves as well. When children are treated poorly by the most important persons, their parents, they obviously can't achieve their goals with high self- awareness.  With parents understanding and protecting them, there is opportunity to make children obedient and in contrast they show respect and trust for their parents.

Detta stycket tycker jag var väldigt svårt att förstå och jag har försökt mitt bästa att tolka och rätta. Den fetstilade meningen förstår jag inte vad du försöker förmedla så jag gjorde en egen tolkning så finns en risk att jag ändrat så att den inte representerar vad du ville säga. Om det verkar konstigt kan du försöka skriva om meningen igen så kan jag kika!

There are still many people  in society who do not agree and interacting with the modern raising aspect, because they think this way can damaging theirs morals through the unlimited freedom. That’s opinion can be considered for some cases , no respect and no real relationships between parents and children because there are no strong family bonding. This itself can contributing also to failure in parenting progress.  For instance, I have spend a good upbringing  in a healthy family environment , my Mother and father took care of us physically and mentally even when we, I and my brother made us dirty while we playing outside in nature, they have not got any aggression reaction and I think this way of raising has develop our personality skills, that’s way we have full respect and understanding in difficult situations. It happens that we do not agree with them  always but we can to  overcome that through taking a discussion with them.

There are still many people  in society who do not agree with the modern childraising methods, because they think this can damage their morals through the unlimited freedom. That opinion can be considered for some cases. No respect and no real relationships between parents and children because there are no strong family bonding. This itself can contribute also to failure in parenting progress.  For instance, I have had a good upbringing  in a healthy family environment. My mother and father took care of us physically and mentally even when we, my brother and I, made ourselves dirty while we playing outside in nature. They did not get any aggressive reaction and I think this way of raising us has developed our personality skills. That way we have full respect and understanding of difficult situations. It happens that we do not always agree with them  but we can to  overcome that through having a discussion with them.

Bästa stycket grammatiskt! Några få böjningar och omkastningar bara men annars en väldigt bra prestation språkmässigt! Snyggt!

In summary, modern childrearing has clear advantages, empowering the child personality and the belief as parents on their child ability. In addition to the drawback, the unlimited freedom can  leads occasionally  to a cold, fainty and boundless relationship between the parents and children.

In summary, modern childrearing has clear advantages, empowering the child's personality and the belief as parents in their child abilities. However, the drawback of unlimited freedom can occasionally lead to a cold, fainty and boundless relationship between parents and children.

Bra sammanfattning! "Fainty" är ett väldigt intressant ordval jag inte stött på tidigare tror jag men går att förstå i sammanhanget, häftig detalj! "Boundless" tycker jag dock passar lite sämre då jag förstår vad du men kan också tolkas som att relationen inte har några gränser och kan därför utforma sig på massa positiva sätt, snarare än att det saknas gränser för vad som är tillåtet vilket är det jag tolkar att du menar egentligen. "Boundaryless" är en synonym som lägger vikt på just gränser i auktoritär mening och kanske passar bättre, men det gör du som du vill då det bara är en liten detalj!

Bra jobbat med texten och av att jämföra med dina tidigare texter jag läst igenom så tycker jag att du blir bättre och bättre på grammatiken och att ditt ordförråd, som var bra redan från början, har växt ännu mer! Kul att se!

reri8983 15
Postad: 3 mar 2021 23:20

hej Anticap, du hade helt rätt med första stycket vilket är : The second advantage with the modern childrearing is that the whipping and beating is eliminated from the parents' thoughts. They instead believe in helping their children to believe in themselves as well. When children are treated poorly by the most important persons, their parents, they obviously can't achieve their goals with high self- awareness.  With parents understanding and protecting them, there is opportunity to make children obedient and in contrast they show respect and trust for their parents. 

men i andra stycket menade jag att : When children are supported by the most important persons who is the parents, they should obviously achieve their goals with high self- awareness.  

så vad tycker du ska jag använda den , låter det lämpligt?

best regards and thanks for supporting !

reri8983 15
Postad: 3 mar 2021 23:48

Anticap, vad tycker du om detta stycke som mina åsikter och rekommendationer:

I believe that learning by doing, and it explain how children can be if we behave them with positive or negative behaviours and methods. We can´t  to produce a good new generation of young people without merciful and wise parents.

Anticap 113
Postad: 4 mar 2021 12:36

men i andra stycket menade jag att : When children are supported by the most important persons who is the parents, they should obviously achieve their goals with high self- awareness.  

så vad tycker du ska jag använda den , låter det lämpligt?

Den är lite felaktig grammatiskt men främst förstår jag inte innebörden? Att uppnå sina mål med hög nivå av självinsikt är inte för mig något bekant eller något som folk nödvändigtvis eftersträvar? Men om det är det du vill säga så är "When children are supported by the most important persons, their parents, it is obvious that they will achieve their goals with high self-awareness"  mer korrekt grammatiskt!

I believe that learning by doing, and it explain how children can be if we behave them with positive or negative behaviours and methods. We can´t  to produce a good new generation of young people without merciful and wise parents.

I believe in learning by doing, and it explains to children how they should act when we ourselves express positive or negative behaviours and methods. We can´t  produce a good, new generation of young people without merciful and wise parents.

Bra tillägg men förstod inte riktigt om du hade någon speciell plats i texten du tänkte lägga till den i, jag skulle föreslå i slutet om det inte redan var det du hade tänkt.

reri8983 15
Postad: 4 mar 2021 22:56

ja , exkat jag vill lägga de i sluttet av texten som egna åsikter och rekommendationer
